Resources are added and updated on this page over time. If you have something you'd like to add let us know! If you are looking for a particular resource that isn't listed below, let us know that as well and if we can be of any service in finding what you need we are happy to help! You can contact us anytime at: mainefoodcouncils@gmail.com.
The Farm Bill:
We're putting this important information front and center to help folks navigate this vital and massive piece of legislation. NOW is the time to advocate for the food and farming future we want to see to be written into the new Farm Bill. Please read, share, support the groups doing important Farm Bill advocacy and let your legislators know what matter to YOU in the Farm Bill.
Farm Bill Basics:
What is the Farm Bill? the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Farm Bill Primer the Food Research and Action Center
Farm Bill Primer: What is the Farm Bill the Congressional Research Service
What is the Farm Bill and Why Does it Matter? the Food and Environment Reporting Network
Various Farm Bill Platforms and Priorities:

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition 2023 Farm Bill Platform
The Union of Concerned Scientists Letter to Joe Biden concerning top priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill
The Farm Action Fair Farm Bill Campaign
The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners (MOFGA) Farm Bill Priorities
The Maine Farmland Trust (MFT) Farm Bill Priorities
Farm Bill Priorities from the Governor's Office for the State of Maine

What are your Farm Bill Priorities? Let your Federal Legislators know!

The Farm Bill and our Climate and Environment:
The Farm Bill and Food Insecurity:
Farm Bill Primer: SNAP and Nutrition Title Programs Congressional Research Service
Building on SNAP's effectiveness in the Farm Bill Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The Very Short History of Food Stamp Fraud in America Time Magazine
SNAP and the Effectiveness of Work Requirements: A Resource Round up The Journalist's Resource

The Farm Bill and Racial Equity

The Farm Bill and PFAS
Maine farmers want land protection, PFAS support in new Farm Bill News From the State
More than 50 Maine farms impacted by PFAS, but state officials see 'glimmer of hope' Maine Public
Baldwin, Collins, Pingree Lead Call for PFAS Funding in 2023 Farm Bill Press Release form the Office of Tammy Baldwin
"Forever Chemicals" called PFAS Show Up in your Food, Clothes and Home Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
MNCFC Network Topic Discussion Notes:
Every other month at our Network meetings we hone in on a specific topic that helps us all learn and grow in our work. Here we are sharing notes and/or recordings form some of these topic meetings that we think you might find useful too! Stay tuned to our social media accounts to find out what future discussion topics we have coming up!
Network Topic Discussion: Policy Advocacy
Network Topic Discussion: Youth Engagement
Network Topic Discussion: Land Access and Land Trusts
RECORDING: Network Topic Discussion: How Do We define Food Sovereignty (passcode to view: .Kms9dtR)
RECORDING: Network Topic Discussion: The Greater Franklin Food County Farmer Survey and Report (passcode to view: h7*VwAS#)
RECORDING: Network Topic Discussion: How does a group develop their own policy platform? (passcode to view: 3LkXL6!W)
RECORDING: Network Topic Discussion: The Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets- how can food councils better collaborate with and support them? (passcode to view: pzyv8K*c)
RECORDING: Network Topic Discussion: The New England Feeding New England Report (passcode to view: f^q2iZ1x)
RECORDING: Network Topic Discussion: Connecting Land Seekers with Land in Lewistion-Auburn (passcode to view: d?zSS.0#)
About Food Councils Nationwide:
An extensive searchable library of Food Council info can be found at the national Food Policy Network at John Hopkins University:
Mark Winne has written extensively about Food Councils and the broader food movement:
Doing Food Policy Councils Right
Food First has many resources, including: Food Policy Councils: Lessons Learned
Fundraising-How Your Story Builds Enduring Relationships
About food systems:
Understanding what food systems entail, and how the different elements are connected, is key to understanding how to improve them. Maine food councils have used this short video many times over to bring people up to speed on the issues surrounding food systems work. "What's on Your Plate?" challenges viewers to see and think differently about the food they eat, considering social, economic, environmental, diet and health factors. "What's on Your Plate?" is an illustrated video, commissioned by the University of Vermont, on the challenges of the dominant food system, and alternatives for creating healthy people and a healthy planet.
Ken Meter's Crossroads Resource Center has numerous food system studies including these from Maine:
Auburn’s Agricultural and Resource Protection Zoning (AGRP): Consultant Recommendations.
Auburn’s Local Economy: Agriculture, Forestry, and Housing .
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has publications such as:
Regional/Community food system visions:

"A New England Food Vision," describes a future in which our regional food system supports healthy food for all, sustainable farming and fishing, and thriving communities. Click on the image above to learn more.
The Maine Food Strategy (MFS) offers a clear vision to create a sustainable, more balanced food system through the 'Framework,' a model to focus and coordinate individuals and groups working towards widespread food systems change.
About Networks:
Network Pioneer, June Holley''s
has Network webinars and publications, Including:
Leadership & Large Scale Change
The New Network Leader: Blogs, Articles, and Videos.
Connecting to Change The World, a book focused on Networks.
Like Minded/Allied Organizations
The Maine Food Atlas:
Add your information to the MAINE FOOD ATLAS!
The Maine Food Atlas is a collaborative project created and administered by the Network of Community Food Councils and Center for Community GIS. It is fueled by statewide participation from hundreds of local food businesses and organizations.
Through local food asset mapping, community food councils can explore and document their regional food systems. This map helps us to see where our local food systems are currently at, and how our councils can address gaps in food access, production, connections, ect. It also provides information about food focused businesses that are already in operation so that we can better support and promote their work.
The Atlas was launched in "beta" format in May 2015 following pilot mapping work in Oxford County. The site will continue to evolve and improve. Feedback is great, so please tell us what you think! The Maine Network of Community Food Councils is seeking partners to grow and enhance the Maine Food Atlas and welcomes opportunities to discuss and explore collaborations and partnerships.